Feeling lost? We got You!

  • Already filled out the contact form? Amazing! You will get a conformation email from us as well as a link to book a discovery call with our head manager. We will go over prices and preferred methods of payment in this call.

    Don’t let the idea of this call scare you away-we want you as much as you want us! This call is simply to choose which package is best for you and your business.

  • Now that we have gone over what services are best fit for you, I will create a proposal with all information stated. This will include the services you are interested in as well as optional add-on’s.

  • Happy to have you on board!

    Now that we’ve agreed to our terms, I will transfer all information into a contract via Docusign. An invoice for payment will also be sent.

  • Now the work begins! You ill receive a personalized welcome packet from me with extra information about what you can expect from me. A kick-off call will be set in place to get started on my first tasks and our journey together!