Service Packages

  • UGC

    User Generated Content

    Wave goodbye to cookie-cutter content and say hello to bespoke storytelling designed exclusively for your brand. From mesmerizing videos to persuasive prose, we'll help your business steal the spotlight. Ignite conversations, foster trust, and witness your brand ascend to new horizons. Choose innovation, choose impact – choose us for content creation that propels your brand into the limelight!

  • Email Marketing

    Campaigns and Designs

    Dive into personalized connections, targeted messaging, and effortless reach. From captivating layouts to compelling content, each email is tailored to captivate your audience. Watch engagement soar, connections deepen, and loyalty solidify with every campaign. Say goodbye to churn and hello to lasting connections with our email retention expertise. Let's boost your business together!

  • Media Management

    Social Media Platform Management

    This package is perfect for those who may not have ample time to stay current with social media tasks! Catering to individuals with busy schedules, my role is to alleviate the burden of managing social media platforms and ensure their online presence remains active and engaging. By implementing my experience into your brand, I will help you achieve your marketing goals effectively.


Every business is different - trust me, we know. Due to this, we offer three different levels for each service package.

Mixing and matching is highly encouraged as this helps us meet the needs of your business!

    • 10 UGC videos

    • 90 day paid media usage included / video

    • 5 UGC videos

    • 60 day paid media usage included / video

    • 1 UGC video

    • 30 day paid media usage included / video

    • 3 campaign/week

    • 1.5 hour campaign building consultation/week

    • 1 hour.retention review meeting/week

    • 2 campaigns /week

    • 40 minute campaign planning consultation/week

    • 40 min retention review meeting/week

    • 1 campaign/week

    • 30 minute campaign planning consultation/week

    • 30 minute retention review/week

    • Manage up to (3) social media platforms

      • 3 posts/week on P1

      • 2 posts/week on P2

      • 2 posts/week on P3

    • 45 minutes of community building per post

    • Manage up to (2) social media platforms

      • 3 posts/week on P1

      • 2 posts/week on P2

    • 25 minutes of community building per post

    • Manage up to (1) social media platform

      • 3 posts/week on P1

    • 15 minutes of community building per post

*Hint: Tiers are stackable!